
안녕하세요 회원님들.
여름같지 않게 시원한 아침 저녁을 보내니 다시 더워진다합니다.  변덕스러운 날씨에 모두 건강히 지내시길 바랍니다.

CLC-USA의 최근 소식 몇가지 전해드립니다.

1) CLC-USA 새 의장과 새  EA 신부님 소개

7/31일 성 이냐시오의 축일인 오늘부터 남부 플로리다지역의 Ady Viera 가 새 의장직을 수행하게 되었습니다.  Ady는 일년동안 Executive Council( ExCo)로 봉사했고 앞으로 2년동안 새 의장으로 봉사하게 됩니다.

그리고 중남부 관구 에수회 신부님이신  John Lan Tran, S.J. 께서 지도신부직 (EA) 을 수락하셨습니다. 신부님께서는 현재  Lake Dallas, Texas에 위치한  Montserrat Retreat House (몬사렛 피정센터)에서 피정  director 로 일하고 계십니다.

지난 2년 동안 의장직을 맡았던 Ed Plocha 는 앞으로 일년동안  CLC-USA ExCo 멤버로 봉사하기로 했고 다른 ExCo 멤버는 전과 같습니다.

**ExCo 멤버 **
  • Barbara Rudolph - Great Lakes Region, Secretary
  • Julienne "TT" Hoang - Dong Hanh, Treasurer
  • Christine (Eunock) Kim - Korean CLC
  • Ligia Morales - South Florida Region
*****John Lan Tran S.J. 새 지도신부님 약력*****

John 신부님은  베트남에서 태어나시고  1983년에 Kensas City, Missouri로 이민오시어 1991년에 록허스트 대학에서  (Rockhurst college) 물리학과 컴퓨터 공학을 전공하셨습니다. 졸업 후 3년간 환경 과학자와 그후 또 3년간은  컴퓨터 프로그래머로 일하시다가

1997년 예수회 미주리 관구에 들어가셔서 2008년 사제 서품을 받으셨습니다.  그후 11년간 베트남-아메리칸 청소년을 위한 피정지도에 힘쓰셨고 베트남에 있는 교우들에게도 피정을 지도하셨습니다.


2002년 시카고 로욜라 대학에서 사회철학  석사 

2008 년: 보스톤 대학 신학 석사

2009년: 신성학 면허 보유

 2009년부터 St. Louis University High Schoool 에서 또 2014년부터는 Belize에 위치한  St. John's Junior college 서 캠퍼스 사목을 하시며

 컴퓨터 과학, 수학, 신학을 가르치셨고, 2016년 11월 미국으로 돌아오시어 Montserrat Retreat House의 피정 director로 일하고 계십니다.

이 이사벨라드림


CLC-USA Announces New President and New National Ecclesial Assistant
Dear Friends,
I am happy to announce that Ady Viera of the South Florida Region assumes the position of President, CLC-USA on July 31st, the Feast of St. Ignatius Loyola.  

Ady has served as President-Elect and a member of the Executive Council (ExCo) for one year and will serve a two-year term as President.
It also gives us great pleasure to inform you that Father John Lan Tran, S.J. of the Central and Southern Province of the Society of Jesus assumes the role of CLC-USA National Ecclesial Assistant, effective immediately.  Fr. John Lan is retreat director at Montserrat Retreat House, Lake Dallas, Texas (see Fr. John's bio below.)
I, Ed, having completed my 2-year term as President will continue to serve on the CLC-USA Executive Council for one year as Immediate Past-President.
The rest of the CLC-USA Executive Council team will remain unchanged: 
  • Barbara Rudolph - Great Lakes Region, Secretary
  • Julienne "TT" Hoang - Dong Hanh, Treasurer
  • Christine (Eunock) Kim - Korean CLC
  • Ligia Morales - South Florida Region
Happy Feast Day and thank you for your continued support of CLC-USA. 

Ad maiorem Dei gloriam!
Ed Plocha




Biography of Our New EA:  Fr. John Lan Tran S.J.  

Fr. John Lan Tran, S.J., was born and raised in Bao Loc, Vietnam. He migrated to Kansas City, Missouri, in 1983. He graduated from Rockhurst College, in 1991, with a Bachelors in Physics and Computer Science. After college, he worked for three years as an environmental scientist and another three years as a computer programmer.

Fr. John entered the Society of Jesus in 1997 as a member of the Missouri Province. In the next eleven years, as he went through the formation process of the Jesuits.  During this time, Fr. John was also leading retreats geared towards Vietnamese-American youth in the U.S.  For several summers, he also led retreats for religious men and women in Vietnam.

Academically, Fr. John obtained a Masters of Art in Social Philosophy from Loyola University in Chicago in 2002, a Masters of Divinity from Boston College in 2008, and a Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L., an ecclesiastical degree), focusing in Pauline Theology, in 2009. Fr. John was ordained a priest in 2008 at College Church in St. Louis, Missouri.

In 2009, Fr. John was assigned to work part-time in campus ministry, and to teach computer science classes part-time at St. Louis University High School (SLUH).  A year later, he was assigned to the Director of Campus Ministry position at SLUH.  In this capacity, he directed retreats, helped with service programs, and to facilitate student involvement and leadership in different aspects of campus ministry. 

In 2014, Fr. John was reassigned to St. John's Junior College in Belize, where he taught classes in Mathematics and Theology.  During this time, he was also working as Director of Mission and Identity. In November 2016, Fr. John returned to the U.S. to work as a retreat director at Montserrat Retreat House.

The New CLC-USA Website  
Please remember to check out and periodically visit the new CLC-USA website at:www.clc-usa.org   The website contains a variety of CLC resources and continues to get good visitor traffic from around the US.  We hope to continuously improve it with new stories, reflections, news, and dates of upcoming events with the membership and the larger community.  This is "our" website and it will be only as good as all of us, working together, make it. We would welcome more members to add content and information and to help curate the site to make it as relevant and useful as possible.  To offer feedback or to submit items for the website: Please click here website@clc-usa.org 
Ed Plocha,
& the CLC-USA ExCo Team