
CLC-USA 의장, Ed Plocha 의장님으로부터 2월에 열리는 예수회 회담에 보낼 ExCo 보고서와 함께 받은 이메일을 보내 드립니다. 10월에 있었던 NCC meeting 과 최근의 활동, World CLC Day 에  관한 내용이 잘 정리되어 있습니다. 

총무부 드림 

-------- Original message --------
From: Edward Plocha <eplocha@comcast.net
Date: 02/02/2016 13:14 (GMT-08:00) 
To: 'Ex Co' <exco@clc-usa.org>
Subject: NCC Teleconference / Report for Jesuit Conference 

Dear Friends,


Greetings All!  I hope this email finds you well. 


I am writing to give you a heads up that Secretary, Barb Rudolph will be sending you a Doodle Poll to select a date for our next NCC teleconference meeting.  We have the budget to review and approve as well as revised reports/proposals for Formation and Communications.


Let me also take this opportunity to share with you the report ExCo submitted for the upcoming Jesuit Conference meeting in February [attached].  I was touched – as I’m sure you will be – by the many happy and smiling faces in the photograph from the SEED Summit.  Note our NEA, Fr. Jim Borbely in the upper right hand corner, and Fr. Christopher Nguyen, Ecclesial Assistant for the Western and Northwestern Regions (as of this past summer) in the lower right (2ndrow, 2nd from the right – in black).  The “Summit” was a fruitful and enjoyable gathering for all who attended.


More to follow…


I thank you all for your hard work and support of CLC-USA.





