
김크리스티나 의장님께서 USA CLC 임원진과 Fr. Jim Borbely 지도신부님께 뉴욕일일피정과 서약식에 초대하며 기도를 부탁하는 메일을 드렸고, 이에 Jim 신부님께서 축하메시지를 보내 주셨습니다. 미국의장님 Ed Plocha 와 Metro NY CLC  지도신부님이셨던 Dan 신부님께서도 축하인사를 보내주셨다고 합니다. 회원님들과 축하메시지를 함께 나눕니다.

총무부 드림 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <jim.borbely@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: Invitation from NY KCLC
To: "E. Christina Kim" <eunaeck@gmail.com>, "Plocha, Ed" <eplocha@comcast.net>

Dear Eunae,
It's wonderful to hear about the NY KCLC commitment ceremony that you've planned for Sunday, April 24! I would certainly want to join you to celebrate this day, especially since Morristown is just a two-hour drive from Wernersville, and only 45 minutes from my mother's house in New Brunswick. But as Ed will also tell you in his reply, the first in-person ExCo meeting with the whole expanded group will be in Portland that very same weekend; and unfortunately my own flight back will not arrive at Newark Airport until Monday morning.

I'm also sending this reply to all the ExCo members, so that we might try to find a way in our planning for mid-day in Portland on Sunday, even some likely early departures for the Portland airport, for at least some of us to send our greetings and join you in spirit at least by way of a phone call as you begin the day's activities in Morristown...

~ Jim




NY KCLC is having our annual one day retreat/commitment ceremony on April 24 (Sunday) at Loyola House of Retreats, NJ from 9am to 5pm. 
We have 34 members making their commitment (1 permanent, 12 temporary, 21 renewal). They have been preparing/discerning since January and have responded generously to their CLC vocation. 
We send our invitation for you to join us on this blessed day, as well as ask for your prayers.

Thank you. 

E. Christina Kim,