
다음은 갈리리 회원이신 정 정숙 카타리나 자매님께서 보내신 교황님의 "지구를 위한 기도" 입니다.
개인적으로 또는 공동체적으로 혹사 당하고 있는 우리의 지구를 위한 기도를 바치시면 좋겠습니다.
정 카타리나 자매님, 보내주신 기도와 내용 감사합니다.
이 이사벨라 드림


오늘부터 교황님이 부탁하셔서 지구를 위한 기도를 공식적으로 시작하는 날입니다.
아래 기도문을 공동체 회원들에게 보내주시면 참 좋겠는데요.
미국에서도 사막화가 이미 30%나 진행되었다고 하고...
지금 Texas의 Harvey도 가볍게 볼 수 없는 현상이겠지요.

정가타리나 드림

우리의 지구를 위한 기도

전능하신 하느님,
하느님께서는  세계에 계시며
가장 작은 피조물 안에 계시나이다.
하느님께서 존재하는 모든 것을 온유로 감싸 안으시며
저희에게 사랑의 힘을 부어 주시어
저희가 생명과 아름다움을 보살피게 하소서.
또한 저희가 평화로 넘쳐
 형제자매로 살아가며
 누구에게도 해를 끼치지 않게 하소서.

가난한 이들의 하느님,
저희를 도와주시어
저희가 하느님 보시기에 참으로 소중한 이들,
 지구의 버림받고 잊힌 이들을 구하게 하소서.
저희 삶을 치유해 주시어
저희가  세상을 훼손하지 않고 보호하게 하시며
오염과 파괴가 아닌 아름다움의 씨앗을 뿌리게 하소서.
가난한 이들과 지구를 희생시키면서
이득만을 추구하는 이들의 마음을 움직여 주소서.
저희가 하느님의 영원한 빛으로 나아가는 여정에서
모든 것의 가치를 발견하고
경외로 가득  바라보며 
모든 피조물과 깊은 일치를 이루고 있음을 깨닫도록
저희를 가르쳐 주소서.
하느님날마다 저희와 함께해 주시니 감사하나이다.
비오니정의와 사랑과 평화를 위한 투쟁에서
저희에게 힘을 주소서아멘.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Catholic Climate Covenant <info@catholicclimatecovenant.org>
Date: Fri, Sep 1, 2017 at 12:06 PM
Subject: PRAY, & Hear the Cry of the Earth and the Poor! Joint Statement From Pope Francis & Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
To: Jungsook Chung <saimmoul613@gmail.com>

Dear Jungsook,

Today, Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew released a Joint Message On the World Day of Prayer for Creation in which they acknowledge the earth as a shared good, and “fervently invite all people of goodwill to dedicate a time of prayer for the environment on September 1st”.

Furthermore they:

Urgently appeal to those in positions of social and economic, as well as political and cultural, responsibility to hear the cry of the earth and to attend to the needs of the marginalized, but above all to respond to the plea of millions and support the consensus of the world for the healing of our wounded creation. We are convinced that there can be no sincere and enduring resolution to the challenge of the ecological crisis and climate change unless the response is concerted and collective, unless the responsibility is shared and accountable, unless we give priority to solidarity and service”.

Catholic Climate Covenant released a statement by executive director, Dan Misleh, in solidarity and support to Pope Francis’ and Patriarch Bartholomew’s statement. In it Dan says the Covenant:

Joins with these global spiritual leaders calling all to renew their commitment to healing the core relationships—with God, with one another, and with the earth—and help save the planet from our own carelessness and sin. We also acknowledge with them that “the human and natural environment are deteriorating together” and this deterioration impacts poor and vulnerable communities the most—again, witness what is happening in Texas and south Asia.”

Please accompany Pope Francis, Patriarch Bartholomew and us in prayer today. Then renew your commitment to heal the earth. Now more than ever we need your prayersgifts, and advocacy.


Catholic Climate Covenant

Pray for creation with Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew today.

Click here for:

A Prayer for The Earth




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(202) 756-5545

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