Dear Members of Christian Life Community USA,

 + 평화,


새해를 맞아 주님의 은총과 사랑이 회원 모든 분들과 가정에 함께 하시기를 바랍니다.

매 5년마다 개최되는 CLC-USA 총회의 초대장을 보내드립니다.

다음 총회는 2019년 7월 18일부터 21일까지 피츠버그에서 열리며 이 총회를 위해 준비 위원회가 구성되고 현재 다양한 프로그램을 준비하고 있습니다.  뉴욕지역에서 지리상으로 가까운 피츠버그에서 개최되니 많은 회원분들의 관심과 참여를 부탁드립니다.

자세한 내용은 아래의 초대장을 참고해 주시기 바랍니다.    

총무부 드림


On behalf of CLC-USA ExCo and the National Assembly Program Planning Committee, we would like to invite you to attend the CLC-USA Assembly that will be held at Duquesne University, Pittsburgh PA.  The dates are July 18-21, 2019.  Our National Assembly, held every five years, will follow the Buenos Aires World Assembly theme (held in July 2018), CVX-CLC, A gift for the Church and for the world.  While we are still in the planning phase for the program, our intention is to provide an experience that highlights interacting with other CLC-USA members and members of the World CLC Community.  The Assembly will include small group discussion sessions, input to all members of the Assembly, ritual and prayer time.  We are graced to have a multi-cultural national community and hope that many members from all of our regions and cultural groups will be able to attend the Assembly.  Please pray for all members of the CLC-USA family!  Please also give serious consideration to attending our Assembly.  

We will be sending out additional information within the next few weeks.  In the meanwhile, please put the dates on your calendar so that we may participate with you in our July 2019 Assembly.

 With gratitude, CLC-USA Ex-Co and the National Assembly Program Planning Committee.