
메트로 뉴욕 공동체에서 3월 26일에 있었던 사순피정 강의노트와 참고자료 목록을 보내 주셨습니다. 
회원님들과도 함께 나눕니다


Dear CLC community:

Many thanks to those who helped facilitate the Day of Prayer on March 26th. Thanks to AnnMarie Brennan who took great notes. I have attached them for your review. The notes include some actions we can take as individuals and as CLC communities.
I have also attached the Bibliography that Dr. Lothes sent. You will find many of the resources listed to be enriching. As Dr. Lothes said "caring for creation is a moral issue" ; ...the earth is a gift that isn't free."
Pat Brennan has created a page on the clc-usa website (clc-usa.org). On it you will find a prayer to be shared with your communities, and the same bibliography that Dr. Lothes left for us. Additional articles can be added. Just send them along to Pat Brennan.

Peace, Mary Ann Cassidy